Friday, January 05, 2007

January 5th, Count Down Begins

It is 41 days till we get on the plane. Yikes! There is so much to do! The quarter round is oiled and ready to be installed in the front guest room where Michelle the housesitter will be staying.

My list are:
  • Deep Clean the house--which means get rid of items that we don't use or want and drop at the thrift store. I am a bit of a pack rat--I'm on trash bag # 3.
  • Organize and pack storage containers with stuff to stack and store while we are away. We found the containers at Lowes $6 each, and stackable. Nice! Now back to weeding out my Junk.
  • An odd challenge is to eat the food in our refridgerator. I want it as bare as possible, so Michelle will have a Fridge to use.
  • Oh, and I have yet to begin cleaning out our Office room. It is our pantry, computer, laundry, and pergatory.
  • And back to my Junk, I have a bunch of boxes that I need to go through that are sitting in the living room... As I've been cleaning, I've been filling boxes with stuff that I need to go through and organize or trash... hmm, I think I'll start that today.
  • And I needn't forget computer stuff, like PINS/passwords and usernames to the accts I will be using. Hopefully we will be bringing a laptop, but if not, we will use the internet cafĂ©'s. Oh, and I need to load all the contact info onto my new SLVR quad band cell phone, since that is what we'll be using with a New Zealand SIM card.

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