Sunday, February 04, 2007

Jason is Gonna Shave!

originally uploaded by shelleyland.
Well, he said Friday is the day... he's gonna shave his beard in commencement of packing for our trip. Just 15 more days and it will be Summer! In New Zealand, that is. So Jason is already signed up the the beach tournament in Whangerei. "It should be good fun!"

Michelle is all moved in along with her two cats. While she's away on her skiing vacation in Salt Lake City, I am successfully converting her cats to the Quinn way... which is best not to explain.

Anyway, let me just say that these next couple weeks are going to be an adventure in itself. There will be test of skill, speed, agility, patience, fortitude, and focus. So whatever is not ready by now, will be crammed into the next 15 days.

So let it begin.

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