Monday, February 12, 2007


011-64-2102-460-467 this is our cellphone number

To call New Zealand from the USA you dial:
011 + 64 + Area Code + Tel #
If we call you and give you a number we'll just read off the area code
and tel# to you.

Time zones in New Zealand explained

Right now it's Saturday, Feb. 10th at 2:30 pm in Huntsville, AL, USA
Right now it's Sunday, Feb. 11th at 9:30 am in New Zealand

So one day ahead and 5 hours behind.

Oh yeah for future timeswaps

Central Time in USA
UTC-6 during regular time
UTC-5 during daylight savings which is March 11 to Nov. 4th

New Zealand
UTC+12 during regulat
UTC+13 during daylight savings which is Oct. to March 18th.

So from now until March 11th NZ is (+13-6=) 5 hours behind us
March 12th to March 18th NZ is (+13-5=) 6 hours behind us
March 19th to Nov. 4th NZ is (+12-5=) 7 hours behind us
and always a day ahead. I think.

Weird math fun.



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